The Missing Key
of the
Pro-Life Movement
The Spirit in the Schools of
One Generation, is the Spirit
in the Government of the Next.
Huntsville Respect Life Curriculum
Pre-Kindergarten - 12 Grades
Now Online
for High School, College and Adult Study
Online since March 2006
Welcome to Christian Patriots for Life!
Our Mission is to promote formal education on the sanctity of life in the Christian classroom as well as at home. We specifically address why this is so crucial in The Missing Key. We have developed two curriculum programs and offer them here free, along with many unique resources.
Also we are the web home to
The American Holocaust Memorial,
a former abortion clinic in Baton Rouge that has been open to the public since 1994.
More Resources
An Uneducated Nation is a Nation that cannot Change
Abortion Videos & Pro-Life Videos
View some of the most important pro-life videos in the history of legalized abortion.
Christians Teachings Against Abortion
Scriptural passages dealing with the Unborn PERSON (and related)
The Miracle of Your Developing Baby
Your Precious Baby's Life Began At The Moment of Conception
Constitutional Remedies to Ending Abortion
Scriptural passages dealing with the Unborn PERSON (and related)
One major Pro-Abortion claim is that the Nazis were anti-abortion and anti-choice.
Abortion: The great contradiction to everything this Republic stands for.

Email: Cp_4Life@yahoo.com
This site is dedicated to
the Author of Life and
Light of the World