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The Covenant For Life - The Promised Rainbow  CD  2001

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"The Holy Innocents" song:


Dedicated to Pope John Paul II & Richard Mahoney and Family


& The National American Holocaust Memorial (+++)


Song by:


Keith John Paul Horcasitas, LCSW, MHA


August 7, 2000



You stand firm for life and truth

“I pledge you God shall be my God,” as Naomi heard Ruth

And the Holy Innocents will set us free

And their Angels will help us see

That Love in Peace is Victory, not for an eye or a tooth


We must speak up, be bold

For the very young and the old

And the deceiver’s plans are clear

To deny life and bring fear

Your soul and body parts may even be sold


We pray to Jesus for your loving family and guidance from the Dove

And for all you fellow neighbors who live by the sea

Who live simply in peace and in love

And obey the Father through the Pope and are set free


You stand firm for life and truth

“I pledge you God shall be my God,” as Naomi heard Ruth

And the Holy Innocents will set us free

And their Angels will help us see

That Love in Peace is Victory, not for an eye or a tooth







The American Holocaust Memorial is primarily a memorial to the unborn slain by abortion and is dedicated to those babies who have lost their lives in the war satan has unleashed against the Holy Innocents.


Nearly 30,000 babies were murdered at Delta between 1986-1994. Delta had been the site of uninterrupted prayer vigils from 1986 to 1994. Our Lady of Guadalupe brought all these rosaries and prayers to the throne of her divine Son, and He delivered this chamber of death into a vessel of life!


It is not only a Memorial to the American Holocaust, but it is providing services to help women in crisis pregnancies. We are affiliated with Pro-Life physicians and adoption agencies. 


The memorial also has a Mom & Me shop providing free maternity and baby clothing to women in crisis pregnancies. Mom & Me also provides baby gifts to the sidewalk counselors to give to women if they leave the abortion clinics. 


These bundles of joy contain a card which reads, THANKS MOM FOR GIVING ME A BIRTHDAY.


We have erected in the memorial a Video and Pro-Life library to help in education, yet our most educational displays are the actual rooms in which the holocaust took place. The public can view first hand the instruments used in abortion and the blood of these innocent babies can be still seen on the walls, floors, and instruments of disposal.


Our future projects include an American Holocaust Wall, a Tomb for the Unborn Child and a Memorial Shrine. The memorial houses a temporary chapel until the Church of the Holy Innocents is erected on the grounds of the memorial.





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