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Respect Life Curriculum
We are proud to present:
The Huntsville
Respect Life Curriculum
Pre-K Through Twelfth Grades
We are also proud to make available:
A Catholic Respect Life Reader
For High School College and Adult Study
Downloads are to the right and are free of charge.
We are committed to education on the sanctity of life. We believe it is essential that our youth in particular be educated in a comprehensive way. Their consciences are open to receive the truth which Christ Himself teaches by His own nine months within the womb-that life is sacred from the first moment of conception and thus abortion is murder.
A Catholic Respect Life Curriculum contains 15 lessons, Teacher Outline with Lesson Plans, 3 tests, and an appendix. It is a complete program, all that is required is that copies be made for distribution to class.
The appendix contains resources such as on-line documents to support specific topics, as well as videos which will greatly enhance the reading portion of the lessons.
This Curriculum has as its primary source the Catechism of the Catholic Church, excerpts of Encyclicals, and other Church documents, as well as several documents from Priests For Life. All documents are referenced with links to on-line sources.
It also addresses the scientific fact of when life begins; showing clearly that the Church and science are in complete harmony on the Life issues-when science is not used for political ends.
The Huntsville Respect Life Curriculum is an outstanding Catholic program, which contains 10 lessons per grade for pre-Kindergarten through Twelfth Grades. It also has 4 Power Point presentations for ninth Grade, and 2 articles for 11th and 12th grades.
We also would appreciate feedback on both programs. All thoughts and ideas are welcome. Also we ask that you spread the word about these resources to help advance the Culture of Life.
Note: These programs are no longer available at as stated in the documents. We are working to edit and update that they are exclusive to
Note: These documents are in the Adobe PDF format. If you can not open the files, download the latest version of the Adobe reader for free by clicking on the icon below.

PDF Downloads:
Huntsville Respect Life Curriculum
11th and 12th grade articles:
Power Point Presentations
Gospel of Life- Ch. 1 Less. 2-3
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