National Press Release: Child Molestation Cover-Up
The Holocaust: DHH COMPLICITY?
Lawsuit against DHH
Special Report on Child Predators
Footnotes for the Special Report on Child Predators
Delta Witness Affidavits 1 of 2
Delta Witness Affidavits 2 of 2
Abortion foes want files
State agency says privacy law bars release of records
The Wolf in Doctor’s Clothing
Are departmental bureaucrats and shady
abortionists endangering Louisiana women?
Former abortion worker: Conditions were ‘horrendous’ but inspectors asked no questions
January 4, 2018
Kermit Gosnell "the Jeffrey Dahmer of abortionists"
And his connections to Delta Clinic of Baton Rouge
with Grand Jury Report of January, 2011 against
Kermit Gosnell from the District Attorney of Philadelphia

"One dark day in January of 1973, SATAN donned judicial robes! Robes flowing, gavel in hand, he swept onto the floor of the United States Supreme Court. He presided over the most atrocious travesty of justice that ever took place, and he declared - we now have the 'right' to murder the most innocent, in what should be the safest place in the universe for them! And since then, tens of millions of babes have been assassinated in their own mothers' wombs! The darkness indeed grows deeper."
4829 Bennington Avenue in Baton Rouge, operated as an abortion mill from 1986 - 1994 where 30,000 babies were murdered. Now serving as a memorial to the holocaust of abortion, it also provides services to help women in crisis pregnancies. Pray to End the Holocaust of Abortion!

Fr. John Rickert, FSSP celebrated a Solemn High Mass
in the Tridentine Rite at the Prolife Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception St. Joseph MO, October 7, 2019
NEW VIDEO: The Holy Innocents - Warning: very graphic, tragically real, yet this possessed culture needs to be confronted with the stark hard truth of what abortion really is. A holocaust of unprecedented magnitude which crucifies Our Lord Jesus Christ anew.
I Left My Dead Baby in the Toilet
and a Growing List of Resources
(On the Regulation of Birth)
(The Gospel of Life)
Abortion & The Conscience of the Nation
Divine Mercy & the Pro-Life Movement
Washington, D.C.
Vaccines Made With Aborted Babies:
Pharmaceutical Institute
Remembrance 2017
In The Toilet"
Former Patient of Abortionist Tiller the Killer Tells O'Reilly Factor
This Site is Dedicated to
Our Lady of Guadalupe
National American
4829 Bennington Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Telephone: 225-926-8920
Owned and operated by
The St. Mary and St. Joseph Family Memorial Foundation.