~ Veritas ~
Testimonials From Abortionists
March 9, 2011
These and other numerous violations have been reported to DHH. The DHH swore in 1998 that this would not happen again, and that these violations would not be tolerated in Louisiana.
For corrective action to be taken, the DHH needs to contact immediately the appropriate authorities to prosecute Leroy T. Brinkley, Kevin Work, Adrian Coleman, Mary Frances Gardner, and the Delta Clinic for gross negligence and medical malpractice. These include HIPPA, DEA, Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, and the Child Protection Agency. All records that were falsified to the DHH Vital Records Registry need to be corrected and the appropriate information needs to be reported for each patient. Then punitive fines ($500 per form) and/or jail time need to be imposed. All records for the last 30 years need to be corrected and the appropriate statistics be made known to the public. After these corrections have been made at the Delta Clinic, all other abortion clinics in the State of Louisiana need to submit and comply with the same corrective action. Most importantly, the information on complications experienced from abortion need to be rigorously investigated and the appropriate number and severity needs to be brought forth.
Those who have been injured by abortion and/or not been given proper counseling or medical treatment need to be able to find just compensation for the negligence and medical malpractice that has occurred in the abortion industry over the past 31 years. DHH needs to alert all the patients who were treated at Delta that they could have contracted an STD from improper sterilization at the clinic and also severe drug reactions by improper administration of drugs by the clinic staff. Kevin Work, Adrian Coleman, and Mary Frances Gardner dispensed narcotics and controlled substances resulting in injury to patients at Delta. Two lawsuits were filed from improper injection of phenergan with the resulting loss of limb. Immediate suspension of their licenses needs to be enacted until every patient record is satisfactorily completed stating what medications each patient received and any adverse reactions reported.
The Governor needs to be contacted on the severity of crimes committed at Delta and Leroy T. Brinkley's association with Dr. Gosnell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, so he can sign an emergency executive order that will precipitate immediate resolution to this statewide calamity.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Richard Mahoney
March 9, 2011
These and other numerous violations have been reported to DHH. The DHH swore in 1998 that this would not happen again, and that these violations would not be tolerated in Louisiana.
For corrective action to be taken, the DHH needs to contact immediately the appropriate authorities to prosecute Leroy T. Brinkley, Kevin Work, Adrian Coleman, Mary Frances Gardner, and the Delta Clinic for gross negligence and medical malpractice. These include HIPPA, DEA, Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, and the Child Protection Agency. All records that were falsified to the DHH Vital Records Registry need to be corrected and the appropriate information needs to be reported for each patient. Then punitive fines ($500 per form) and/or jail time need to be imposed. All records for the last 30 years need to be corrected and the appropriate statistics be made known to the public. After these corrections have been made at the Delta Clinic, all other abortion clinics in the State of Louisiana need to submit and comply with the same corrective action. Most importantly, the information on complications experienced from abortion need to be rigorously investigated and the appropriate number and severity needs to be brought forth.
Those who have been injured by abortion and/or not been given proper counseling or medical treatment need to be able to find just compensation for the negligence and medical malpractice that has occurred in the abortion industry over the past 31 years. DHH needs to alert all the patients who were treated at Delta that they could have contracted an STD from improper sterilization at the clinic and also severe drug reactions by improper administration of drugs by the clinic staff. Kevin Work, Adrian Coleman, and Mary Frances Gardner dispensed narcotics and controlled substances resulting in injury to patients at Delta. Two lawsuits were filed from improper injection of phenergan with the resulting loss of limb. Immediate suspension of their licenses needs to be enacted until every patient record is satisfactorily completed stating what medications each patient received and any adverse reactions reported.
The Governor needs to be contacted on the severity of crimes committed at Delta and Leroy T. Brinkley's association with Dr. Gosnell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, so he can sign an emergency executive order that will precipitate immediate resolution to this statewide calamity.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Richard Mahoney
Dear Secretary Greenstein:
I am writing to seek your immediate and personal involvement in investigating and taking all appropriate enforcement action against the abortion facility known as the Delta Clinic in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Recent media reports indicate that this abortion clinic has a record of grievances and possible serious violations more than sufficient to warrant immediate action by the Department of Health & Hospitals.
In fact, these reports are so condemning that even the National Abortion Federation has suspended the Delta Clinic’s membership and will no longer refer women to the abortion center. However, the clinic is still open for business because only your department has the authority to shut it down. According to the DHH Office of Health Standards, there is not yet an open investigation into this matter. If it is true that the Delta Clinic is in violation of Louisiana or federal law, I urge you to immediately suspend the facility’s license to ensure the protection of women seeking their services.
As you may know, a Pennsylvania abortion practitioner and several of his employees were recently charged with murder and other crimes related to running a horrific abortion practice that endangered the lives of countless women and children. News accounts have revealed that one of those employees, Eileen O’Neill, is a former employee of the Delta Clinic. She has been arrested for a number of violations that include theft by deception for pretending to be a licensed physician.
According to the grand jury, the travesty in Pennsylvania was partly due to the failure of state and local officials to perform their duties properly. We must not allow this to happen in Louisiana, especially when the Louisiana Legislature has recently provided the necessary tools to prevent against a similar occurrence. I urge you to utilize the enforcement tools provided in Act 490, enacted last year, to the fullest extent possible. If there have been violations by the Delta Clinic that “pose an immediate threat to the health, welfare, or safety of a client or patient,” the Louisiana DHH should immediately order the clinic to close and cease providing abortions.
It is critical that we all take action to prevent dangerous and unsanitary medical conditions. That is why I have introduced the Pregnant Women Health and Safety Act, which would require that any physician that performs an abortion have admitting privileges at a local hospital, and that their patients have access to a nearby hospital where the patients can receive follow-up care in case complications do occur. This requirement offers a simple way to protect against the horrific practices that went unnoticed in Pennsylvania until many innocent human beings lost their lives.
Fortunately, our state has provided you with the means to take quick action against any abortion clinic engaged in unsafe practices. I urge you to vigorously investigate the alleged violations against the Delta Clinic to ensure that no woman’s life is endangered.
David Vitter
cc: Governor Bobby Jindal
The Honorable Willie L. Mount, Chairman, Louisiana State Senate Health & Welfare Committee
The Honorable Kay Katz, Chairman, Louisiana House of Representatives Health & Welfare Committee
24 Years of Endangering the Public Health!
Delta Women's Clinic has a well documented history of noncompliance with both federal and state laws dating back to 1986. Numerous violations have been reported to the DHH, DEA, federal, state and local authorities by Delta employees and private citizens.
Due to the injury of several women, an investigation by WAFB revealed extensive violations of the sanitary code and medical malpractice which led Governor Foster to declare an emergency executive order for DHH to go in and inspect the clinic. This led to the suspension of Delta physicians James Whitmore and Eileen White O'Neill and the drafting of several new laws by the Louisiana Legislature. The most significant of these laws brought abortion clinics under the same guidelines as ambulatory surgical units, medical clinics and doctor's offices.
Since the passage of these laws, the violations committed by Delta physicians and workers at the Delta Clinic have led to continued injury and medical malpractice to the women of Louisiana going there. A concerned citizen recently reported 7 criminal violations being committed by the Delta Clinic to the DHH, which led DHH to do an internal investigation at Delta. DHH found the same violations in their investigation yet have not to date closed the Delta Clinic or impose punitive fines for these violations.
Twenty-four years of endangering the public health is enough! Call Governor Jindal and the DHH and demand that Leroy T. Brinkley and the Delta Clinic never to be allowed in the State of Louisiana again and that those affiliated with this clinic will be brought to justice for their crimes.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal: 225-342-7015
Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Compliance SectionPhone: 225-342-0132
DHH Letter to Editor - March 2010
The article in Friday's Advocate (Baton Rouge) reporting on Delta Abortion Clinic was interesting, mostly because of what it didn't say. I applaud DHH Secretary Levine for his courage in stating his pro-life stance, but am puzzled by his assertion that he has no authority to take action against Delta.
After a WAFB investigation in 1999-2000, changes in the law brought abortion clinics under the same operating guidelines of other medical facilities, yet injuries and injustices committed against women at Delta continue to be ignored.
A violation glossed over in the article is the reporting of incest and rape of minors which Delta consistently fails to report to the authorities. Delta claims a “handful” of minors. I believe the number to be in the hundreds. I personally spoke with one young woman yesterday who was forced into an abortion at the age of 14 after being raped by her mother's boyfriend. Another woman I spoke with obtained an abortion at the same age against her parent's wishes. Both women, years later, still suffer nightmares over the experience.
Unreported in the article is that Kevin Work, a Delta physician, is involved in a lawsuit by Christine K., charged with permanently crippling her hand after the improper administration of Phenergan. His partner, Adrian Coleman, was sued and judgment pronounced for his injury of Laura W., also for the improper administration of Phenergan during an abortion at Delta.
One of the most flagrant violations involves the DHH Report of Induced Termination of Pregnancy which is to be filed with DHH. On this form, “Reason for Abortion” and “Possible Complications” is pre-checked “Unknown,” pre-signed and copies are submitted to DHH. Are we to believe that out of thousands of clients there was not one reason given for an abortion or one complication? That in seven years of this practice not one eyebrow was raised at DHH? The truth is that after the money is collected and any number of complications occurs, these victims are refused treatment at Delta.
Other unreported and unpunished offenses include thousands of violations of HIPPA laws which protect clients' privacy and confidentiality and the administration of RU486, the dangerous abortion drug as required by law.
The public is entitled to a truthful and complete rendering of all the facts involving Delta Abortion Clinic and to swift, meaningful and equitable enforcement of the laws regarding Delta and other clinics in our State. Abortion clinics have flown under the radar long enough. The Advocate, WAFB and WBRZ need to interview attorney Mike Johnson and reveal the facts about the crimes currently being committed at Delta and those committed over the past 24 years.