​Pro-Life Education Program
Outline & Resources
Our mission is to develop a true and lasting understanding among children from K - 12th grade of the sanctity of all human life - unborn, handicapped, the terminally ill, and the aged. We are commanded by the Gospel to create a "Culture of Life" in our families, schools, parishes, communities and the world. Only by living out the Gospel of Life, and teaching it, can we hope to accomplish this awesome task.
Christian educators and especially those in charge, have a specific and unique opportunity and obligation: To rebuild a Culture of Life by teaching COMPREHENSIVELY the sanctity of Life. This is particularly true in a singular way for parents, as parents are the first and primary teachers of the Christian Faith and of morals.
We must acknowledge the reality that if we do not teach our children the truth NOW, we are all doomed to a future of a worsening culture of death.
We are in no way proposing sex education. We propose teaching the sanctity of life--from conception to natural death.
We are not presenting a finished program here. We are developing an outline, and offer it as a guide to be used in bringing about a full curriculum. There is an abundance of available material that is suitable for classroom use. Dozens of videos, books, booklets, and pamphlets, as well as fetal models, and posters are readily available.
Materials: This is only a partial list.
Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third Grade:
Let Me Live The Anthem of the Unborn Child. A 5 1/2-minute film, VHS Format produced by Pat Boone. Features In-Utero photography of the unborn child, with narration done by the baby. The value taught at this age level is that what is in the womb is a BABY, alive, human and growing from the moment of conception. Teacher reinforces film message by speaking about uniqueness and specialness and the fact that God will never create another being just like them.
Abortion is never mentioned at this age level. Fetal models are used as a teaching aid to give children "hands on" visuals of the actual growth of an unborn child in the womb. This video is so powerful it should be viewed in each grade level through Twelfth grade. May be purchased from
Pat Boone Enterprises
9220 Sunset Blvd.
Suite 310
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Phone: 310-858-0044
Song: Jesus Loves the little children
Book 1: Before you were Born By Joan Lowery Nixon
Our Sunday Visitor, Publishing Division This book will help children to learn about the time before you were born. Learn all about the universe and the living things God has created.
Book 2: Dr. Seuss: Horton Hears A Who (And video-30min.)
Book 3: The Preborn Christ: A Story of God in the Womb Visit http://www.preciouslifeministries.org to see this great book.
Construction Project: Spiritual Adoption Program workbookA simple folder with a couple of pages and two clear wallet photo display pages. The photos of one to nine months are put in the top, and the corresponding info and personal story in the bottom sleeves.

Pictures can teach a thousand words
Students can be shown two pictures like above. The teacher can simply explain that they are both of the same person; the first one was taken around New Years day, and the second around the following Christmas.

Resource List
Human Development from Conception to Birth
Dear Jesus, child of Mary, I love you and thank you for your unconditional love. I plead with you to save the life of ______ and _______, the unborn children whom we have spiritually adopted and whose lives are threatened by abortion. May these children be allowed to grow in wisdom, age and strength in your presence and in the sight of all. Amen"
K- 3rd Grade Notes
When you are finished in this section, please visit:
Re-Humanizing the VERY young citizen
We have many otherideas like the one at right. As well as storyideas for class etc.
The goal is to establish a personal link between the American citizen on the street and the American citizen waitingto be born.
An important message from Andrew Jefferson, President Federation of Americans waiting to be born